Shipping & Delivery

After you placed an order, we will process and hand over your order to logistics company within 2-7 days (it depands on the popularity of product). If you don't want to wait so long anymore, you can always cancel your order before it was shipped. Order can not be cancelled after it was shipped. You can ask for a return and refund after you received package. 

*Please note that after we shipped and hand over your package to logistics company they need time to finish routine examination and then they will update tracking info. 

*Please note that tracking info won't be updated while it is in airplane transits until it arrives destination country.

Shipping Methods


Shipping Time

Standard Shipping

United States,Canada, Israel,United Kingdom,Australia 

7-15 business days

Standard Shipping

The Rest Of the World      

 7-20 business days


  • All estimated/typical delivery time are derived from real world data collected from past orders. They are approximate times for reference only.
  • Shipping times will be affected during public holidays; manufacturers and couriers will limit their operations at these times. This is out of our control.